

CPTED is an architectural strategy that “naturally” reduces the incidence and fear of crime, often at lower implementation and operational costs then more technological approaches.

Here are the Four Basic Strategies of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED):

Natural Surveillance – A design concept directed primarily at keeping intruders easily observable. Promoted by features that maximize visibility of people, parking areas and building entrances: doors and windows that look out on to streets and parking areas; pedestrian-friendly sidewalks and streets; front porches; adequate nighttime lighting.

Territorial Reinforcement – Physical design can create or extend a sphere of influence. Users then develop a sense of territorial control while potential offenders, perceiving this control, are discouraged. Promoted by features that define property lines and distinguish private spaces from public spaces using landscape plantings, pavement designs, gateway treatments, and “CPTED” fences.

Natural Access Control – A design concept directed primarily at decreasing crime opportunity by denying access to crime targets and creating in offenders a perception of risk. Gained by designing streets, sidewalks, building entrances and neighborhood gateways to clearly indicate public routes and discouraging access to private areas with structural elements.

Maintenance and Activity Support – Crime is reduced when premises and landscaping communicate an alert and active presence occupying the space. Maintenance is an expression of ownership of property; deterioration indicates less control by the intended users of a site and indicates a greater tolerance of disorder. Activity support increases the use of a built environment for safe activities with the intent of increasing the risk of detection of criminal and undesirable activities.

Click here to read 11/05/2013 News Announcement: Scott England NASRO Certified for CPTED